Benefits of Acupuncture for Relieving Anxiety and Stress
Acupuncture is a practice of traditional Chinese medicine which is based on stimulation of certain points of the body by inserting needles into the skin. Although it has been used since ancient times to treat pain, the World Health Organization recognizes it as effective for the treatment of at least 49 disorders, including anxiety and chronic stress. There is much skepticism about the effectiveness of acupuncture and the lack of studies makes it considered an alternative treatment, but with many followers in long-term anxiety and in preventive mode. It is based on the principle of Qi (pronounced "chi") of correcting problems with the flow of vital energy in the body caused by certain disorders. Although each patient is an individual case, in general the following benefits are granted: The acupuncture works immediately. Although each acupuncture session may have different results, in general its benefits can be perceived very quickly. On the other hand, this technique can ...