
Benefits of Acupuncture for Relieving Anxiety and Stress

  Acupuncture is a practice of traditional Chinese medicine which is based on stimulation of certain points of the body by inserting needles into the skin. Although it has been used since ancient times to treat pain, the World Health Organization recognizes it as effective for the treatment of at least 49 disorders, including anxiety and chronic stress. There is much skepticism about the effectiveness of acupuncture and the lack of studies makes it considered an alternative treatment, but with many followers in long-term anxiety and in preventive mode. It is based on the principle of Qi (pronounced "chi") of correcting problems with the flow of vital energy in the body caused by certain disorders. Although each patient is an individual case, in general the following benefits are granted: The acupuncture works immediately. Although each acupuncture session may have different results, in general its benefits can be perceived very quickly. On the other hand, this technique can ...

Acupuncture - what is it, what does it help?

  We have prepared the following article on the occasion of the introduction of a new specialization in our Medical Center - acupuncture. What is acupuncture? Contrary to popular belief, acupuncture is not just a system of inserting very fine needles into specific areas of the body to relieve pain. So what is acupuncture? Acupuncture is a complete medical protocol designed to correct energy imbalances in the body. Since its inception in China more than 2,500 years ago, acupuncture has been traditionally used to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases and to improve overall health. The traditional explanation for the acupuncture method is that it alters the flow of energy (known as qi or chi) throughout the body. It is worth noting, however, that there is no uniform agreement of the scientific world as to the mechanism of action of the therapy . Research published in the May 30, 2010 online issue of Nizagara Online found that acupuncture needles affect the activity of adenosine , an ...

Who We Are | Mindful Billing & Management LLC

  We are family-oriented individuals that care about your business. We have the experience to steward your claims through the process with confidence and expertise. With decades of experience in the acupuncture industry, 10 years in medical billing, and certifications in acupuncture billing we have all the tools it takes to manage your claims and get them paid.

Acupuncture. Find out the benefits, what it cures and if it hurts

  Acupuncture consists in pricking specific points with needles located along a complex structure of energy channels called meridians that run through our entire body. At the beginning they used needles in bronze or iron, then in gold or silver. Disposable steel needles are currently used.   What is acupuncture According to some, the beginning of this therapeutic practice dates back to over a millennium before the birth of Christ while for others it is even older. However, the theoretical principles on which it is based were collected only later in an ancient treatise, the Nei Ching , written between the fifth and second centuries BC. From China, the spread of acupuncture initially extended to Korea and Japan. It arrived in the West around 1600 through missionaries who returned from those regions and brought the first rudimentary news.   But it is only in recent times that acupuncture has taken root in our healthcare system and has been so well accepted by con...

Slimming acupuncture

  Dancing to lose weight Home Fitness Losing Weight The benefits of yoga for beginners: 10 simple exercises to slim down legs and hips. The drink of kefir and spices should be prepared as follows: 5 grams of aromatic powder is diluted with water to a pasty state, and then added to a glass of kefir. If you are interested in affordable and effective diet pills, Xenias is one of the most sought after weight loss medications. Principles of anti-cellulite compresses. Slimming Acupuncture Let's get this ready first. Flax seeds for weight loss with kefir is a simple and effective way to solve the problem. Kefir and flax flour are double benefits. Learn how to lose weight quickly using brown bread and keep it normal for a long time.   Slimming dietary supplements   Bathing with baking soda is a simple home method of maintaining skin tone at home. Exercises for men. Koran knows first hand about weight problems. In the fight for a slim figure, they are used in...

Chinese medicine treatments for pregnant ailments

Chinese medicine knows how to help mom and baby during 40 weeks of pregnancy. He can cope with both classic ailments and unexpected health problems. .That is, in the fifth cycle of a woman's life (the Chinese divide the development of a woman into 7-year cycles, a man's - into 8-year cycles). Early in life (21–28 years), women strive for the peak of their physical and emotional abilities. And although she is physically able to get pregnant and give birth to a child even as a teenager, Eastern medicine believes that real maturity for motherhood comes just after the 28th and before 35th birthday. At that time, according to the Chinese: "Bones and tendons are well developed and the hair is lush." A woman is in top physical, energetic and emotional shape. Her readiness for motherhood is evidenced not only by sexual characteristics, such as lush breasts and abundant hips, but also by the fact that she then undergoes important mental changes, enters the fullness of feminini...